One hall, one stage.

Become a speaker at the country’s main event in the dismantling and recycling industry.

If you are a professional in the field of decommissioning and liquidation, demolition and dismantling of buildings and structures, cleaning from pollution, recycling (processing) of construction and demolition waste – send an application to info@rusdemolition.ru

Applications for participation as speakers in the RDF business program will end on 10.10.2024.

Alexander Lomakin

First Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

1978 г.

Born in Moscow

2000 г.

Graduated from Moscow State Construction University, Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering, specialising in Engineering.

Holds a bachelor’s degree in science and technology, a master’s degree in science and technology.

2019 г.

Received an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree from the Moscow State University of Construction.


Worked in various positions at Remstroytrest LLC: assistant technical supervisor, deputy chief engineer, chief engineer, deputy general director, production director.


Held the position of Deputy Head of the Moscow City Construction Department.

3 April 2021.

Appointed First Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Awards and titles:

Medal ‘For Contribution to the Development of the Novgorod Land’. Awarded for fruitful activity that had a significant impact on the development of the Novgorod region.

Letter of Gratitude from the Mayor of Moscow.

Letter of Gratitude from the Mayor of Moscow.

Certificate of Honour of the Department of Urban Planning Policy of Moscow.

Certificate of Honour of the Department of Urban Planning Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow.

The title ‘Honourable Builder of Mosremstroy’.

Medal of the Order ‘For Merit to the Fatherland’ II degree.

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Adam Safran

Vice-President of NADO Association, General Director of Volgaspetsstroy LLC. Participant of the Forum plenary discussion.

Anton Aleksandrovich is the head of Volgaspetsstroy, which has been operating since 2008.


The company specialises in preparing investment sites on the territory of industrial clusters and municipalities; dismantling, handling, processing and disposal of construction waste.


Since 2020 – Vice-President of the National Association of Dismantling Organisations (NADO).


Member of the State Council for Ecology and Natural Resources.


Head of the Committee on Legislative Initiatives and Interaction with State Bodies, whose scope of activity includes the preparation of proposals for amendments to legislation on the regulation of dismantling operations and requirements for their design, as well as proposals to improve the regulatory framework for the construction and demolition waste management industry.

Anton Ananyin pays special attention to environmental issues in his professional activities, which are aimed at strengthening and developing the dismantling and recycling industry. A key focus of his environmental activities is the promotion of treatment and recycling technology directly in the dismantling process. As part of this activity, through the Russian Ministry of Construction, his company is involved in updating the set of rules for SP 325.1325800.2017 ‘Buildings and Structures. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia participates in the creation of GOST R ‘Waste of construction materials generated during the demolition of buildings. Rules of transportation and sorting’.

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Evgeny Vasilkov

Member of the Board of the NADO Association, General Director of Construction and Investments LLC.

Participant of the Forum plenary discussion.

He is a member of the national register of specialists in the field of construction and design.


He worked his way up from an assembler to the General Director.


He worked in the Perm Regional Pricing Centre (PRTPCS), in the Federal Autonomous Establishment of the Federal Centre for Pricing and Costing, the National Association of Construction Contractors, and took an active part in the development of various estimating standards for the construction industry.

Headed the implementation of major projects on dismantling of industrial and civil facilities, such as: ‘NII DAR, Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill, Kamov Design Bureau, etc.


Currently, he is involved in the implementation of the Federal project ‘Closed Cycle Economy’

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Igor Vereshchagin

Head of Coke Shop No. 2 at Severstal’s PJGS coke-agglomene operations

Subject: Shutdown of coke battery No. 9 complex.

In PJSC Severstal since 1998.

Labour path:

Joined the company as an equipment repair mechanic in BOF steelmaking shop in 1998.

After serving in the armed forces of the Russian Federation in 1999-2000, he returned to work at PJSC Severstal as a repair mechanic in the coke-chemical equipment repair shop.

In 2001, he was appointed equipment repair foreman at Coke Shop No. 2.

In 2005, he was appointed Senior Equipment Repair Foreman at Coke Shop No. 2.

From 2013 to 2022, he worked as Deputy Head of the Coke and Chemical Production Service Shop, Deputy Head of the Hot Rolling Production Service Shop, Head of the Equipment Repair Section of Metal Finishing Shop No. 2, Coke Shop No. 1.

Since 01.05.2023 he has been appointed and till now works as the Head of Coke Shop No.2.

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Anastasia Gorlenko

Deputy General Director of ANO Ecoterra

Subject: Scientific and practical experience of transformation of anthropogenic objects into natural landscape.

1989-1994 Lomonosov Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Soil Science.  Speciality – soil science and agrochemistry.

1994-1998 Full-time postgraduate study at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Soil Science.

1998 – defence of a thesis for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences.

From 1994 to 2016 – Head of the department for the treatment of ANO ‘Ecoterra’, senior researcher at the Department of Land Resources and Soil Assessment.

From 2016 -2017 – Head of the department of state regulation in the field of waste management, elimination of past environmental accumulated damage and soil protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

2018 – Deputy Director General for Science of ANO Ecoterra,

Head of the Laboratory of Ecotoxicological Analysis of Soils at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Soil Science

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Grigory Gromakov

Head of Product Development and Quality Management Department, Rockwool LLC

Subject: Development of stone wool recycling project on examples of obtaining secondary raw materials from large construction projects.


I was born in 1987 in Ufa, where in 2004 I entered Kazan State Academy of Architecture and Construction (renamed Kazan State University of Architecture and Construction in 2005) at the Faculty of Construction and Technology, graduated with honours as an Engineer-Technologist, after graduation I worked in several production companies.


We co-operate with such large companies as Setl Group, FSK Leader, Vyborzhets agro-industrial complex. In 2021, the rest of the company’s enterprises joined the initiative.


In the presented project, ROCKWUL will detail the promotion of the elimination of illegal landfills, waste-free use of building material, ensuring an endless recycling cycle and the initiation of projects that promote recycling at the state level.

In 2011, he joined Rokvul LLC as a Project Engineer.


In 2013, he moved to the position of ‘Flat Roofing Development Specialist’.


In 2017, he became the Development Manager of the Flat Roofing business line, then in 2019 the function was expanded with the additional business line ‘Facades’.

Since 2023, he has held the position of ‘Head of Product Development and Quality Management’.

ROCKWUL has committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These include combating climate change, affordable and clean energy, clean water and sanitation, good health and well-being, responsible consumption and production.


ROCKWUL’s key task within this initiative is to recycle stone wool waste from its own production facilities, construction sites and agro-industrial enterprises. Today in Russia only 5-7% of waste is recycled, the rest is sent to landfills and buried, leaving a landfill footprint. The optimal solution is recycling. It is estimated that CO2 emissions can be reduced by 10 per cent by recycling stone wool.In 2017, he became the Development Manager of the Flat Roofing business line, then in 2019 the function was expanded with the additional business line ‘Facades’.

We co-operate with such large companies as Setl Group, FSK Leader, and the Vyborzhets agro-industrial complex. In 2021, the rest of the company’s enterprises joined the initiative.


In the presented project, ROCKWUL will elaborate on promoting the elimination of illegal dumps, waste-free use of construction material, ensuring an endless recycling cycle and initiating projects that promote waste recycling at the state level.

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Irina Zolotova

General Director of the National Association for the Development of Recycling of Raw Materials (ARVIS)

Subject: Recultivation of solid domestic waste dump ‘Sovetskaya-1’ in Omsk with the use of ash and slag materials.


In 2000, she graduated with honours from the State University of Economics with a degree in Fuel and Energy Complex Management. After graduation she worked for 8 years in the Department of Economic Planning and Analysis of RAO UES of Russia.


Since 2008, she has worked as Deputy Director for Pricing and Economics in the Electric Power Industry at APBE.


In 2013, she took the position of Deputy Head of the Tariff Formation Directorate at FGC UES.


From 2013 to 2018, she worked as Deputy Director of the Institute for Problems of Pricing and Regulation of Natural Monopolies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.


Since 2018, she has been Director of the Centre for Industry Research and Consulting at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2018, she received a postgraduate diploma with honours from Plekhanov Russian Economic University, specialising in Mathematical Methods in Economics.



In 2022 Irina Zolotova was awarded the honorary title ‘Honourable Power Engineer’ by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.


Irina Zolotova is a member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Energy; a member of the working group of the Russian Ministry of Energy on improving environmental policy and adaptation to climate change; an expert of the World Bank’s international working group on subsidising the use of fossil fuels; a member of the interdepartmental working group under the Russian Ministry of Energy on increasing ash and slag waste utilisation; a member of the interdepartmental working group on the use of ash and slag materials from the Omsk region; member of the Public Expert Council on Environmental Issues under the Head of the Republic of Tyva.

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Vladimir Zubarev

Chief engineer of Liquidator LLC

Subject: Application of manual labour in the production of dismantling works. Objectives and methods of fulfilment.


Vladimir Vladimirovich has more than 13 years of professional activity in the field of industrial and civil construction. He started his career as a surveyor and foreman in civil construction, after which he worked as a construction supervisor at the largest industrial sites in the Lipetsk and Tambov regions. He is included in the NOSTROY register.


Since 2016, as Chief Engineer, he has been managing the full range of dismantling and construction and restoration works performed by Liquidator at hazardous production facilities and heavy industry enterprises across the Russian Federation.


Under the direct supervision of Vladimir Vladimirovich the company ‘Liquidator’ has implemented more than 300 projects, received 32 letters of appreciation from Customers, including from the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow region for ‘fruitful labour and great contribution to the development of the construction complex of the Moscow region’.

Subject: Application of manual labour in the production of dismantling works. Objectives and methods of fulfilment.


Vladimir Vladimirovich has more than 13 years of professional activity in the field of industrial and civil construction. He started his career as a surveyor and foreman in civil construction, after which he worked as a construction supervisor at the largest industrial sites in the Lipetsk and Tambov regions. He is included in the NOSTROY register.


Since 2016, as Chief Engineer, he has been managing the full range of dismantling and construction and restoration works performed by Liquidator at hazardous production facilities and heavy industry enterprises across the Russian Federation.


Under the direct supervision of Vladimir Vladimirovich the company ‘Liquidator’ has implemented more than 300 projects, received 32 letters of appreciation from Customers, including from the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow region for ‘fruitful labour and great contribution to the development of the construction complex of the Moscow region’.

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Marat Ibatullin

Head of Commercial Department, SnosStroyInvest LLC

Subject: Dismantling works at operating enterprises of oil and gas industry


He holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from Ufa State Petroleum Technical University.


In the company SnosStroyInvest holds the position of Head of Commercial Department.


The main area of activity is implementation of complex dismantling projects at the enterprises of energy and oil and gas sector.

Under Marat Ibatullin’s leadership, SnosStroyInvest has implemented large-scale projects as part of technical re-equipment of various production sites of NTEC, Nornickel, Inter RAO and Rosatom.

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Evgenia Ivlieva

Head of Materials and Technology Development Service, Cementum Testing Centre

Subject: Technology of carbonate hardening of concrete breaker for the production of small pieces.


Graduated from the Faculty of Industrial Ecology of the D.I.Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology, defended her PhD thesis on ‘Ecology of Soil and Waste’ at the A.N.Sysin Research Institute of Ecology and Industrial Ecology.


Since 2008, she has worked in product marketing at Saint-Gobain, working on the development, development and localisation of mineral wool, dry building mixtures, gypsum plasterboard profiles and plasterboard.

Since 2019, she has been in charge of the Material and Technology Development Service at Cementum (the new name of the cement, aggregates and dry mortar manufacturer HOLCIM).


His professional interests include innovative construction materials, quality management system of construction laboratory, waste management in industrial production.

Head of Materials and Technology Development Service, Cementum Testing Centre

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Vladimir Komarov

General Director of Sphere Cutting LLC

Subject: Dismantling in the operating data centre – flexible approach. The power of partnership.

Vladimir Komarov was born in 1986, raised and educated in the Tula region.

From 2008 to 2016 I worked in management positions in the metal fabrication industry. Having applied the experience and skills gained, in 2017 he headed a small diamond cutting and drilling company. In the next few years managed to increase the company’s turnover by more than 6 times and take a confident place in the industry.

In 2020, the company ‘Sphere Cutting’ was awarded the prize of the ‘First International Dismantling Forum’ of Russia in the category ‘Impact-free dismantling’.

The company’s priority since 2017 has been to guarantee the quality of each project, and as a result – today Sphere Rezki Ltd. has an ironclad reputation as a reliable partner.

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Dmitry Konyukhov

Head of Scientific and Technical Support of Construction Mosinzhproekt JSC

Subject: Problems of reconstruction and utilisation of underground structures with expired service life.

Dmitry Sergeyevich graduated from Moscow State Construction University in 1995 as a civil engineer, hydraulic engineer, specialising in ‘underground hydraulic structures’ and entered postgraduate studies at the Department of Mechanics of soils, bases and foundations of MSCU. In 2000 he defended his PhD thesis on the speciality ‘Mechanics of loose bodies, soils and rocks’ and was admitted to the Department of Underground construction and hydraulic engineering works of MSCU, where he worked until 2015 in the position of: associate professor, professor, deputy head of the department. He supervised diploma design of engineers and specialists, preparation of master’s theses and postgraduate students. In 2004 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor at the Department of Underground Construction and Hydraulic Works.

D.S. Konyukhov successfully combines scientific and pedagogical activity with practical work:

From 2000 to 2007, he rose from design engineer to technical director of NPF Fundamentstroyproekt LLC;

Since 2004, he has been an expert of the City Expert and Advisory Commission on Foundations, Foundations and Underground Structures under the Moscow City Government, where he has prepared more than 340 geotechnical expertise conclusions for projects of industrial, civil and transport facilities;

from 2007 to 2011 – Director of the Scientific and Educational Centre for Studying Problems of Urban Underground Space Development at Moscow State University of Civil Engineering;

from 2011 to 2016 – Deputy General Director of the Scientific and Engineering Centre of Tunnel Association LLC.

from 2012 to the present time works at Mosinzhproekt JSC, where he performed the following duties: Deputy Head of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Underground Space Development, Acting Head of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Underground Space Development, Deputy Head of the Regulatory and Technical Department, Advisor to the Deputy General Director for Construction of Metro Facilities. Currently he is the Head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Support of Construction of Mosinzhproekt JSC.

In total, D.S. Konyukhov took part in the design, construction and reconstruction of more than 120 underground facilities for various purposes in the Russian Federation. In particular, he is one of the authors of the ‘City programme of preparation for complex urban development of the underground space of Moscow for the period 2009-2011’.

He has published about 200 printed works, including the first Russian textbook for universities ‘Utilisation of underground space’ (co-authored).

He has published about 200 printed works, including the first Russian textbook for universities ‘Utilisation of Underground Space’ (co-authored).

In 2023, he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the speciality ‘Product Quality Management. Standardisation. Production Organisation’. Scientific work is aimed at researching the development of the methodology of integrated planning, selection and justification of the implementation strategy of underground construction technologies in the conditions of dense urban development with the use of interactive control of geotechnology parameters based on geotechnical monitoring data and innovative technical solutions for geotechnical risk management to improve the technical and economic efficiency of production.

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Maxim Kurakin

Deputy Head of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Moscow Real Estate Objects

Subject: Modern methods of identifying objects to be dismantled.

Graduated from the Academy of Labour and Social Relations in 2004.

2003-2008 worked in commercial organisations.

2008 – 2012 Head of Land Relations and Municipal Land Control Department of the Property Management Committee of Troitsk, Moscow region.

2012 – 2013 Head of the Land and Legal Relations Department of the State Institution ‘Moscow Centre of Real Estate’.

2013-2020 Head of the Department for Registration of Property of Non-Commercial Organisations of the Moscow City Property Department.

2020-2022 Head of the Department for Planning and Coordination of Control Activities of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate of the City of Moscow.

2022-present Deputy Head of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Moscow Real Estate.

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Vladimir Mironov

Head of the Technical Department of the VMU branch of URALCHEM URALCHEM JSC

Subject: Scientific and practical experience of transformation of anthropogenic objects into natural landscape.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, ‘Honourable Chemist’ (2002), laureate of the All-Russian competition ‘Engineer of the Year’ according to ‘Professional Engineers’ in the nomination ‘Chemistry (Technology)’ (2007), laureate of the competition ‘Ecologist of the Year of Moscow Region’ (2011), laureate of the prize of the Governor of Moscow Region ‘Our Moscow Region’ (2011), laureate of the prize of the Governor of Moscow Region ‘Our Moscow Region’ (2011), laureate of the competition ‘Ecologist of the Year of Moscow Region’ (2011).  ‘Our Moscow Region’ (2019).

1975 – 1981 studies at D.I. Mendeleev Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, Faculty of Technology of Inorganic Substances, speciality Technology of Inorganic Substances and Chemical Fertilisers.

1981 – 1983 shift foreman of the Production Association ‘Minudobrenia’, Voskresensk, Moscow region.

1983-1986 full-time postgraduate course at the D.I. Mendeleev Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of General Chemical Technology, speciality Technology of Inorganic Substances.

From 1986 -1998 work at the enterprise JSC ‘Voskresensk Mineral Fertilisers’ in the positions of deputy head of the shop, head of the shop, deputy head of the technical department.

from 1998 to the present time – Head of the Technical Department of the VMU branch of URALCHEM in Voskresensk.

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Denis Prokhorov

Vice-President of ‘Reforma’ GSK

Subject: Performing mechanised dismantling in the far north.

Denis Prokhorov has more than 25 years of experience in project management in the field of industrial construction and dismantling. From 2016 to the present time he has been the Vice President of Reforma Group of Construction Companies. For several years, Reforma Group of Construction Companies has consistently been one of the largest dismantling companies in Russia and CIS.

Under the leadership of Denis Prokhorov, a number of large and unique for the industry complex dismantling projects have been implemented at leading enterprises in various industries: Ufaleynickel, Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex, Norilsk Nickel, a number of power plants of PJSC ‘T Plus’ and many others.

One of the main achievements of Denis Prokhorov and the team of GSK Reforma is the development of related areas, which allow realising an integrated approach to the liberation of industrial sites, as well as implementing complex technical projects.

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Kirill Simbirtsev

General Director of DiamondTech Construction LLC

Subject: Jewellery dismantling in the conditions of existing production facilities and reconstruction of capital objects.

Since 2008 in the jewellery dismantling industry.

In 2013 in Tula founded the company ‘DiamondTech Construction’ specialising exclusively in professional diamond cutting and drilling of concrete.

Today the DIAMONDTECH® brand is a symbol of maximum customer focus and efficiency.

The company provides jewellery dismantling services at civil and industrial facilities across Russia, where ‘it was needed yesterday’.

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Andrey Siyatelev

Head of Construction Waste Management Department, Ministry of Natural Resources of the Moscow Region

Participant of the Forum plenary discussion

Graduated from Moscow Humanitarian University in 2006. Field of study or speciality on diploma: Jurisprudence. Qualification: lawyer. Diploma with honours.

06.2006 – 07.2007 Lawyer. GUP of Moscow, Moscow City Centre of non-residential premises organisation ‘Mosrealstroy’.

07.2007 – 12.2008 Legal Advisor. Hospital for War Veterans No. 3.

12.2008 – 07.2010 Chief Specialist. State Unitary Enterprise ‘Mosecostroy’.

07.2010 – 03.2011 Chief Specialist. Moscow City Government Department of Road, Bridge and Engineering Construction of Moscow.

03.2011 – 02.2021 Deputy Head. Moscow City Government Department of Construction of the City of Moscow.

03.2021 – 07.2021 Deputy Head of the Department – Head of the Department, Department for Management of Certain Types of Waste, Department for Management of Waste from Construction, Demolition of Buildings and Structures, including Soil. Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region.

07.2021 – 02.2023 Head of Department, Department for the Management of Certain Types of Waste. Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region.

02.2023 – present. Head of Department, Department for Management of Certain Types of Waste. Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region.

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Anton Tarasov

NADO Association Board Member, Deputy General Director of Arasar Group of Companies

Subject: Non-standard tasks and solutions of dismantling industry: underwater dismantling and 3D modelling.

Participated in the construction of the Leningrad nuclear power plant, reconstruction of historical bridges in St. Petersburg (Palace, Blagoveshchensky, Tuchkov, Birzhevoy), construction of stadiums for the 2018 FIFA World Cup (Luzhniki, Zenit Arena, Nizhegorodsky, Volgogradsky).

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Alexander Chebotkevich

Director of the Department of Labour Protection, Industrial and Fire Safety of UC RUSAL’s Directorate for Sustainable Development

Subject: Risk assessment in the context of safe dismantling operations on the example of RUSAL’s General Cleaning project.

in 1993 graduated from Krasnoyarsk state technical university, specialising in electric power plants and substations.

In 2002, he graduated from the Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold and received an excellent diploma in Energy Efficiency Improvement at the Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Smelter.

In 2003, he graduated from the LINK International Institute of Management in Moscow and obtained an MBA degree, specialising in the economics of industrial enterprises.

In 2020, he completed NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) training and received an International Certificate/Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health, with a silver medal.

He started his career in 1994 as an electrician at KrAZ. From September 2010, he worked as Head of the HSE Department of the Aluminium Division. From 2018 onwards, he has been Director of the Occupational Health, Industrial and Fire Safety Department of the Sustainability Directorate of UC RUSAL.

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Dmitry Shitov

Deputy General Director of LLC Everest

Subject: Dismantling of conveyor gallery 3,2 (fuel supply gallery) in Tomsk, a structural subdivision of CHPP-3 (Inter RAO) in cramped conditions, over the existing railway.

Dmitry has been in the construction business since 2015. He was engaged in project search and realisation, as well as, contractual relations. Over time, the idea to open a new company line of business for dismantling works came up.

In 2019, joining Everest, Dmitriy’s main task was to build the right approach in the direction of industrial dismantling.

In 2020, he became a co-owner of the company.

Everest specialises in partial or complete demolition of industrial and civil buildings, structures and constructions, as well as dismantling of particularly hazardous objects.

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Ilnaz Sibgatullin

Dismantling Project Manager, Chief Engineer Service, PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim (SIBUR)

Subject: Dismantling Programme of Nizhnekamskneftekhim.

Education: Higher professional education, Nizhnekamsk Institute of Chemical Technology, engineer-technologist, speciality ‘Chemical Technology of High Molecular Compounds’, 2005.

Labour activity:

09.2005 – 08.2015 – PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, SPS plant, activities ranging from the position of an apparatchik to deputy shop manager;

08.2015 – 06.2019 – PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, SPS Plant, Shop Manager;

06.2019 – 06.2022 – PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, DBiUWS Plant, Plant Director;

06.2022 – present time – PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Chief Engineer Service, Dismantling Project Manager.

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Denis Doinikov

Deputy General Director of Volgaspetsstroy LLC

Subject: Waste utilisation and involvement of waste into the economic turnover of MMC Norilsk Nickel after liquidation of the underground part of buildings and structures of the Sintering and Smelting Shops of the Nickel Plant, Norilsk.

He has been working in the field of dismantling and waste utilisation since 2008.

Since 2016, he has been engaged in scientific activities and also participates in the development of regulatory and legal documentation in the field of production and consumption waste management.

Responsible for the implementation of the Priority Departmental Project of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade ‘Transition to Domestic Equipment in the Solid Waste Management Industry’ as part of the industrial contractor, which is part of Rostec State Corporation.

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