The third Russian Demolition Forum

the only professional event in Russia
for the dismantling industry and handling waste from the demolition of buildings and structures

October 12, 2022 – Annual General Meeting of NADO Association Members, RDF Evening Reception
October 13, 2022 - the main day of RDF

Welcoming speech
Artem Kondratev

Manager of the National Association of Demolition Organizations.

Speaker of the 10th Annual International Demolition Summit 2018 in Dublin, Ireland.

Participant of the meeting of National Demolitioning Associations of European countries 2019 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Speaker of the 3rd Annual Demolitioning Conference of Serbia 2019 in Belgrade.

There was the 3rd International Demolition Forum on October 12 and 13, 2022, Moscow, Russia.

RDF remains a constant meeting place for demolition industry professionals specializing in demolition work, including diamond demolition technologies, demolition waste disposal, pollution cleanup, and contaminated land reclamation.

This year, the event expanded its coverage towards large industrial enterprises, whose representatives were offered a unique opportunity to take part as speakers to share their experience in decommissioning, dismantling of hazardous production facilities, decontamination and management of demolition waste.

And for the first time, the representatives of industrial holdings had the opportunity to take part in the ESG Russian Demolition Awards nominations to select the best projects for decommissioning, dismantling, neutralization and disposal of demolition waste, reclamation, as these processes are directly related to safety and ecology at the enterprise.

The exchange of experience by industrialists in the implementation of projects in the field of demolition and demolition waste management is a common practice abroad, because holding companies are responsible not only for the technological processes of their core activities, but also for all works that are performed on their territory, especially paying attention to works on demolition of buildings and waste management due to their increased risk to human health and the environment.

Participation in the nominations for the selection of the best dismantling projects and innovative machines, mechanisms and equipment is available both for contractors and for manufacturers and suppliers of specialized machinery and equipment for dismantling and recycling.

Representatives of contracting organizations and industrial enterprises were invited to make presentations on the most interesting and complex implemented projects.

The forum was traditionally held over two days.

On the first day, the participants of the event had an excellent opportunity to meet and chat in an informal setting during the evening reception.

The second day was the main one. It included two main components:

– A technically high level of the conference, during which speakers told about the most complex projects in their presentations;

The Russian Demolition Awards 2022 ceremony, which took place during the Gala dinner. The nominations were open to all participating contracting organizations, industrial enterprises and equipment manufacturers, as a recognition of excellence and best practices, determined by an international panel of experts, industry leaders.

Participation in the Forum gave the opportunity to the participants to:

  • Get acquainted with the National Association of Demolition Organizations of Russia and to get the opportunity to join;
  • Get information about the key, largest contractors of the dismantling market of the Russian Federation;
  • Get advice on your current and planned demolition and waste management projects;
  • Get the possibility to ask any questions Russian and International specialists;
  • Voice to real market players the problems that you would like to avoid when conducting dismantling work at your facilities;
  • Learn about innovations in the legislative and environmental areas of industrial dismantling;
  • Raise the level of management in the field of demolition and waste management;
  • Raise the level of safety of your own employees when interacting with dismantling companies;
  • Avoid mistakes at the stage of design and planning of dismantling facilities;
  • Reduce costs during dismantling by understanding the choice of the initially correct project, obtaining the most competitive offers from professional market participants, avoiding excessive tax, environmental and insurance payments;
  • Raise the social and environmental status of the enterprise in the eyes of the public.

RDF is an international platform for the exchange of experience and the introduction of modern technologies in the field of demolition of buildings and structures, decontamination and reclamation of industrial areas to prepare them for new construction, the application of information modeling technologies and the formation of a new regulatory system for the management of demolition waste to create a more attractive , safe and environmentally friendly industry.

I invite you to participate in the next 4th International Dismantling Forum in Russia in 2023!

Created and organized
in partnership with
supported by
Смотрите промо-видео RDF 2024

IV Международный Демонтажный Форум России 2023

Video RDF 2022
Speakers RDF 2022
Anton Ananin Vice-President of the National Association of Dismantling Organizations, General Director of Volgaspetsstroy LLC
Vladimir Gerasimchuk Deputy Director of the Department of Licensing Activities and Interdepartmental Cooperation, Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Boris Frantsuzov Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Field of Production and Consumption Waste Management, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
Anton Solon Anton SolonExecutive Director of the National Association of Manufacturers of Building Materials and the Construction Industry (NOPSM)
Oleg Shiyanovsky Technology Director - Head of the Technology Development Department, Waste Management Infrastructure and Technical Customer Service of the Russian Environmental Operator
Irina Zolotova General Director of the National Association for the Development of the Recycling of Raw Materials (ARVIS)
Denis Doinikov Deputy General Director of Volgaspetsstroy LLC
Denis Prokhorov Vice President of GSK "Reforma"
Anton Tarasov Member of the Board of the NADO Association, Development Director of Demolishment LLC
Nikita Osokin Executive Director of the National Association for the Development of Secondary Raw Materials (ARVIS)
Irina Bakhtina Sustainability Director, UC RUSAL
Andrey Raduntsev Head of the Department for Work with Territories and Improvement of the Production Department of the Polar Division of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel
Sergei Lodochnikov Head of the department for the development of fundamental technologies for the construction, repair, decommissioning of ships and vessels of JSC NIPTB Onega
Alexander Zarubin Head of the Department of Project Management and Business Development of VE, TVEL JSC
Alexander Makarov Head of the production and technical department of Likvidator LLC
Ekaterina Ivanova Corporate Communications Director, CrashMash Group of Companies
Artem Ivanenko National Association of Dismantling Organizations, General Director of Technoservice LLC
Mikhail Nikolsky Deputy Head of the Department for Technology Development, Waste Management Infrastructure and Technical Customer Service, Russian Ecological Operator
Alexander Krotov General Director of Bars LLC
Elena Povolotskaya Executive Director of LLC UK Regional Operator
Vitaly Bogachenko Corporate Relations and Sustainable Development Director Holsim Russia
Anatoly Zemlyanko ROCKWOOL Product Development and Technical Support Engineer
Alexander Samsonov Technical Director of the Central Federal District Industrial and civil construction SBU "Bitumen materials and Granules" of TechnoNIKOL Corporation
Sergey Sivaev Professor of the Faculty of Urban and Regional Development of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Professor of the Public-Private Partnership Department of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Победители RDA 2023

Промышленный демонтаж
Гражданский демонтаж
Алмазные технологии
ESG. Вывод из эксплуатации и ликвидация
ESG. Рекультивация
ESG. Вовлечение вторсырья в производство стройматериалов и изделий
Инновации. Навесное оборудование для демонтажа и рециклинга
Навесное оборудование в реализации демонтажного проекта
Охрана окружающей среды
Спецтехника для демонтажа
Роботы для демонтажа
Алмазное оборудование для демонтажа
Современные информационные технологии
Лучший проект

Делегаты RDF 2023
Число делегатов
Представленные компании
Число спикеров
Делегаты RDF 2023
АК АЛРОСА (ПАО) - ПАО Нижнекамскнефтехим - ПАО Северсталь - ОК РУСАЛ - ВМУ АО ОХК УРАЛХИМ - АНО ЭКОТЕРРА - ПАО Т Плюс - ПАО Транснефть - АО ТВЭЛ - ПАО НЛМК - КАО Азот - ООО Норильскникельремонт - ООО ДеСтрой - ГСК Реформа - ООО Волгаспецстрой - ООО Технология Рециклинга - ГК Арасар - ООО ДаймондТек Констракшн - ООО ЖБС Инжиниринг - ООО АТС - ООО Эверест - ООО Резбурмаш - ООО Сфера Резки - ООО Большая Медведица - ООО СносСтройИнвест - ГК КрашМаш - ООО ГК Кубань Демонтаж - ООО Брокк демонтаж Северо-Запад - ООО Ликвидатор - ООО Техносервис - ООО Строительство и Инвестиции - ООО Техно-Диггер - ООО СВМ-22 - ООО АМ-Групп - ООО Строительная фирма ИРОН - АО Экотехпром Инжиниринг - ООО Экотехпром - ООО АК ВР - ООО ВЛМ-ГРУПП - ООО ОЛЬВЕКС-ДАЙМОНД - ООО ПСК - ООО СБВ Утилизация - ООО НПП Ареал - ИП Зайцев ДС - ООО Ампер-Контакт - ООО РУС-СОШКИ - ООО РСУ-Поволжье - ООО Алгоритм - АО Мосинжпроект - ООО Интерметтрейд - АО Подъемные машины - ООО Платон Строй - ООО СЗ ЮгСтройИмпериал - ООО Альянс Ремстрой - ООО СИНЭКС - ООО Сибирские ресурсы - Государственная инспекция управления объектами недвижимости г. Москвы - ГКУ УПТ (Департамент строительства г. Москвы) - Минэкономразвития России - Мосгосстройнадзор - Правительство Еврейской автономной области - Минприроды Московской области - Минприроды России - Минстрой России - ФАУ РосКапСтрой - ППК РЭО - Правительство Нижегородской области - ГБУ НО Кадастровая оценка - ООО РОКВУЛ - Испытательный центр Цементум - АО ЦНИИПромзданий - Университет Минстроя НИИСФ РААСН - АРВИС - Союз Стекольных Предприятий - НОПСМ - ОПОРА РОССИИ - ООО ХАММЕРМАСТЕР - ООО Решке Рус - АТ Машинери - ООО Дюнасет-Русланд - АО МГК ИНТЕХРОС - ООО Трактородеталь Групп - ООО Инстройтехком - ООО Техстройпроект - ООО ОДИС - ООО ПП Минералз - ООО Системный специалист - АО КВИНТМАДИ - ООО Строительные Машины - САО ВСК - ООО Газпромбанк Автолизинг - ООО Фодел - ООО Адель Инструмент - VTN - Люгонг Машинери Рус - ООО Конструктив-СД - Строительная орбита - Строительство.RU - Строительная газета - Промышленное и гражданское строительство - Insight People - «Всероссийский горно-строительный дайджест медиа» - ТАСС

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