Welcome to the 5th Russian Demolition Forum

the only professional event in Russia
for the dismantling industry and handling waste from the demolition of buildings and structures

18 November 2024 - General Meeting of Association NADO members, evening reception-fuffet party
19 November 2024 - conference, gala dinner

Welcoming speech
Artem Kondratev

Manager of the National Association of Demolition Organizations.

Head of the Institute of Demolition, Decontamination, Recycling (DDR) of the University of Minstroy of Russia NIISF RAASN

Speaker of the 10th Annual International Demolition Summit 2018 in Dublin, Ireland.

Participant of the meeting of National Demolitioning Associations of European countries 2019 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Speaker of the 3rd Annual Demolitioning Conference of Serbia 2019 in Belgrade.

There was the 5rd International Demolition Forum on November 18 and 19, 2024, Moscow, Russia. RDF remains a constant meeting place for demolition industry professionals specializing in demolition work, including diamond demolition technologies, demolition waste disposal, pollution cleanup, and contaminated land reclamation. This year, the event expanded its coverage towards large industrial enterprises, whose representatives were offered a unique opportunity to take part as speakers to share their experience in decommissioning, dismantling of hazardous production facilities, decontamination and management of demolition waste. And for the first time, the representatives of industrial holdings had the opportunity to take part in the ESG Russian Demolition Awards nominations to select the best projects for decommissioning, dismantling, neutralization and disposal of demolition waste, reclamation, as these processes are directly related to safety and ecology at the enterprise. The exchange of experience by industrialists in the implementation of projects in the field of demolition and demolition waste management is a common practice abroad, because holding companies are responsible not only for the technological processes of their core activities, but also for all works that are performed on their territory, especially paying attention to works on demolition of buildings and waste management due to their increased risk to human health and the environment. Participation in the nominations for the selection of the best dismantling projects and innovative machines, mechanisms and equipment is available both for contractors and for manufacturers and suppliers of specialized machinery and equipment for dismantling and recycling. Representatives of contracting organizations and industrial enterprises were invited to make presentations on the most interesting and complex implemented projects. The forum was traditionally held over two days. On the first day, the participants of the event had an excellent opportunity to meet and chat in an informal setting during the evening reception. The second day was the main one. It included two main components: – A technically high level of the conference, during which speakers told about the most complex projects in their presentations; The Russian Demolition Awards 2024 ceremony, which took place during the Gala dinner. The nominations were open to all participating contracting organizations, industrial enterprises and equipment manufacturers, as a recognition of excellence and best practices, determined by an international panel of experts, industry leaders. Participation in the Forum gave the opportunity to the participants to:
Created and organized
in partnership with
supported by

IV International Demolition Forum Russia 2023

Video RDF 2023
Speakers RDF 2023
Alexander Lomakin First Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Anton Ananyin Vice-President of the National Association of Demolition Organisations, General Director of Volgaspetsstroy LLC
Evgeny Vasilkov Member of the Board of the NADO Association, General Director of Construction and Investments LLC.
Igor Vereshchagin Head of Coke Shop No. 2 at Severstal's PJGS coke-agglomene operations
Anastasia Gorlenko Deputy General Director of ANO Ecoterra
Grigory Gromakov Head of Product Development and Quality Management Department, Rockwool LLC
Denis Doinikov Deputy General Director of Volgaspetsstroy LLC
Irina Zolotova General Director of the National Association for the Development of Recycling of Raw Materials (ARVIS)
Vladimir Zubarev Chief engineer of Liquidator LLC
Marat Ibatullin Head of Commercial Department, SnosStroyInvest LLC
Evgenia Ivlieva Head of Materials and Technology Development Service, Cementum Testing Centre
Victor Kazakov General Director of CrashMash Group of Companies
Vladimir Komarov General Director of Sphere Cutting LLC
Dmitry Konyukhov Head of Scientific and Technical Support of Construction JSC Mosinzhproekt
Maxim Kurakin Deputy Head of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate in the City of Moscow
Vladimir Mironov Head of the Technical Department of the VMU branch of URALCHEM URALCHEM JSC
Denis Prokhorov Vice-President of GSK Reforma
Ilnaz Sibgatullin Dismantling Project Manager, Chief Engineer Service, PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim (SIBUR)
Kirill Simbirtsev General Director of DiamondTech Construction LLC
Andrey Siyatelev Head of Construction Waste Management Department, Ministry of Natural Resources of the Moscow Region
Anton Tarasov Member of the Board of NADO Association, Deputy General Director of Arasar Group of Companies
Boris Frantsuzov Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Sphere of Production and Consumption Waste Management of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia
Alexander Chebotkevich Director of the Labour Protection, Industrial and Fire Safety Department of the UC RUSAL Sustainable Development Directorate
Dmitry Shitov Deputy General Director of Everest LLC
Oleg Shiyanovsky Director for Technology, Head of the Department of Technology Development, Waste Management Infrastructure and the Technical Customer Service of the REO PPC
Winners of RDA 2023

Industrial dismantling
Diamond technologies
ESG. Decommissioning and liquidation
ESG. Environmental protection
ESG. Reclamation
ESG. Involvement of recycled materials in the production of construction materials and products
Innovations. Attachment equipment for dismantling and recycling
Attachments in the realisation of a dismantling project
Environmental protection
Special equipment for dismantling
Robots for dismantling
Diamond equipment for dismantling
Modern information technologies
Best Project

RDF 2023 Delegates
Number of delegates
Companies represented
Number of speakers
RDF 2023 delegates
AK ALROSA (PAO) - PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim - PJSC Severstal - UC RUSAL - VMU JSC URALCHEM - ANO ECOTERRA - PJSC T Plus - PJSC Transneft - JSC TVEL - PJSC NLMK - KAO Azot - LLC Norilsknickelremont - LLC DeStroy - GSK Reforma - LLC Volgaspetsstroy - LLC Technologiya Retsiklinga GC Arasar - LLC DiamondTech Construction - LLC ZhBS Engineering - LLC ATS - LLC Everest - LLC Rezburmash - LLC Sphere Rezki - LLC Bolshaya Medveditsa - LLC SnosStroyInvest - GC KrashMash - LLC GK Kuban Demontazh - LLC Brokk Demontazh Severo-Zapad - LLC Liquidator - LLC Tekhnoservice - LLC Technoservis - LLC Kuban Demontazh - LLC Kuban Demontazh - LLC Kuban Demontazh - LLC Kuban Demontazh - LLC Kuban Demontazh - LLC Kuban Demontazh LLC Construction and Investments - LLC Techno-Digger - LLC SVM-22 - LLC AM-Group - LLC Construction Company IRON - JSC Ecotehprom Engineering - LLC Ecotehprom - LLC AK VR - LLC VLM-Group - LLC OLVEX-DAYMOND - LLC PSC - LLC SBV Utilisation - LLC NPP Areal - IP Zaitsev DS - LLC Amper-Kontakt - LLC RUS-SOSHKI - LLC RSU-Povolzhye - LLC Algorithm - JSC Mosinzhproekt - LLC Intermettrade - JSC Lifting Machines - LLC Platon Stroy - LLC SZ YugStroyImperial - LLC Alliance Remstroy - LLC SINEKS - LLC Siberian Resources - State Inspectorate of Real Estate Management of Moscow - GKU UPT (Department of the Moscow City Administration). Moscow - SCU UPT (Moscow City Construction Department) - Ministry of Economic Development of Russia - Mosgosstroynadzor - Government of the Jewish Autonomous Region - Ministry of Natural Resources of the Moscow Region - Ministry of Natural Resources of the Moscow Region - Ministry of Construction of Russia - FAU RosCapStroy - PPK REO - Government of Nizhny Novgorod Region - GBU NO Cadastral Valuation - ROKVUL LLC - Test Centre Cementum - JSC TsNIIPromstroi - University of the Ministry of Construction NIISF RAASN - ARVIS - Union of Glass Enterprises - NOPSM - OPORA RUSSIA - HAMMERMASTER LLC - Reschke Rus LLC - AT Machinery - Dunaset-Rusland LLC - OOO DUNASET-Rusland - OAO MGK INTECHROS - OOO Tractorodetal Group - OOO Instroytekhkom - OOO Techstroyproekt - ODIS - OOO PP Minerals - OOO ODIS - OOO DUNASET-Rusland JSC MGK INTECHROS - LLC Tractorodetal Group - LLC Instroytechcom - LLC Techstroyproekt - LLC ODIS - LLC PP Minerals - LLC System Specialist - JSC QUINTMADI - LLC Stroitelnye Mashiny - SAO VSK - LLC Gazprombank Autoleasing - LLC Fodel - LLC Adel Instrument - VTN - Lugong Machinery Rus - LLC Konstruktiv-SD - Stroitelnaya Orbit - Stroitelnaya Orbit - Stroitel. RU - Stroitelnaya Gazeta - Industrial and Civil Construction - Insight People - ‘All-Russian Mining and Construction Digest Media’ – TASS

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