Russian Demolition Awards 2024

The RUSSIAN DEMOLITION AWARDS 2024 ceremony will be held within the framework of the Forum. The ceremony will select the best projects of the Russian demolition industry, the most innovative manufacturers of construction and demolition equipment and special attachments.

Also, nominations will be opened for industrial enterprises that have implemented dismantling and reclamation projects as a customer.

Competition regulations          Brochure
Judging process
About the judging panel

Организация премии Russian Demolition Awards — это серьезная задача, и для нас нет ничего важнее, чем обеспечение того, чтобы все заявки на участие в конкурсе оценивались справедливо и по достоинству. Наши судьи, присуждающие награды, являются экспертами в области сноса и демонтажа. Ежегодно в состав судейской коллегии входят около 6 человек, которые находятся в разных точках мира. Они следуют строгому Кодексу поведения.

Judging process

Применяемый нами процесс оценки отличается независимостью и конфиденциальностью. Мы формируем блок заявок по всем номинациям, готовим материалы на английском языке и направляем их судьям для оценки. В установленный организатором RDA срок, судьи должны направить организатору RDA свои оценки по всем заявкам в номинациях. Судьи оценивают

Who knows the names of the winners?

После того, как каждый из судей завершил оценку номинаций, они отправляют свои оценки и любые конкретные комментарии организатору программы RDA. Ни в коем случае , ни во время процесса судейства, ни даже после вручения наград на церемонии вручения наград Russian Demolition Awards, судьи не видят, как другой судья оценил проект в любой категории. Это гарантирует сохранение целостности и независимости экспертных оценок и мнений судей, а также самой премии Russian Demolition Awards. Организатор программы RDA собирает оценки судей за каждый проект и суммирует их. Таким образом, проект с наивысшим баллом объявляется победителем. Благодаря этому процессу даже наши судьи не узнают, кто выиграл ту или иную награду, пока их имена не будут объявлены на церемонии вручения премии Russian Demolition Awards. Победители известны только организатору программы RDA. Эта информация держится в строгой конфиденциальности, а соответствующие члены команды по организации мероприятия (около трех-четырех человек) узнают имена победителей только за несколько недель до церемонии, чтобы они могли заказать награды и подготовить необходимую графику для церемонии награждения. Вот почему наши отраслевые награды являются самыми желанными и уважаемыми в России.

Judges' code of conduct Judging criteria

Ни одному  судье не разрешается передавать свой лист оценок другим судьям или любым другим лицам в любое время, за исключением организатора программы RDA Артема Кондратьева. Судьям НЕ разрешается обсуждать друг с другом, лично или по электронной почте, заявки на награды до отправки своих оценок организатору программы RDA. Судьи ДОЛЖНЫ профессионально и беспристрастно оценить каждую заявку на награду. Судьи ДОЛЖНЫ оценивать каждую заявку на награду на основе ее собственных достоинств. Они НЕ должны сравнивать заявку с любыми другими конкурирующими заявками в той же категории.

Evaluation criteria

Судьи оценивают каждый проект по его собственным достоинствам, принимая во внимание общий профессионализм и техническую компетентность, то, как были преодолены конкретные трудности каждого проекта, финансовое и календарное управление, безопасность, инновации, управление командой и удовлетворенность клиентов. Не сравнивая один проект с другим в своей категории, судьи затем присваивают каждому проекту оценку из 100 возможных баллов. Эта оценка основана на профессиональном суждении, основываясь на своих экспертных знаниях и многолетнем опыте.

Regulations of the Russian Demolition Awards 2024

A selection of projects using best practices and technologies to be determined by an international team of jury members – industry professionals.

How to apply for participation of your project, nominations and application form to fill in.

  1. Applications for the competition must relate to projects in the field of demolition of buildings and structures, as well as related activities. Projects that were completed between 2023 and 2024 are eligible to participate.
  2. A participant may enter one project in only one nomination. For example, an application can participate in the civil dismantling nomination, or industrial dismantling nomination, but not simultaneously in these 2 nominations.
  3. All applications must be completed on the official application form.

Applications must include:

– A description of the project in the nomination (maximum 1200 words – 5 pp), outlining the main reasons why the jury should choose your project.

– A short abstract (maximum 250-300 words) highlighting three theses – the exceptional features of the project.

– Additional information as indicated in the application form.

– Applications sent without this information will not be considered.

After the deadline for receipt of applications, the award organiser will form a shortlist of projects that will take part in the Russian Demolition Awards 2024.


For contracting organisations

Industrial Demolition Awards

Tell the judges why your industrial demolition project deserves an award. Project execution can be challenging and labour intensive. Evaluation criteria to be taken into account: experience in similar work/competence, tight conditions, work at an existing industrial facility, tight deadlines, hazardous waste management – concept and outcome.

Civic Demolition Award

The nomination will consider the best dismantling projects realised within the urban development. Such projects include demolition of buildings and structures of social infrastructure. The customer can be a public institution, a commercial company or a development organisation. Include letters of appreciation and feedback from clients. The evaluation criteria will include: experience of similar works/competence, overcoming certain difficulties, budget and time management, safety performance.

Diamond Technologies Award

Projects in this category must demonstrate the use of modern technologies in the field of diamond cutting, drilling, drilling of dismantled structures. Within this category, the technical complexity and precision of the work is of primary importance. For example, these may be projects for dismantling bridges or structures inside an active industrial facility. The evaluation criteria will be: experience in similar work/competence, technical complexity of the work, tightness, safety.

Environmental Protection and Recycling Award

The winner of this category must demonstrate their work to reduce their environmental impact. Along with strong evidence of effective recycling practices. Judges will take into account the use of green technologies, investment in cleaning equipment and effective control of noise and pollution generated. Evaluation criteria will include: experience of similar work/competence, environmental impact, recycling technologies.

Explosive Technology Award

Tell the judges why your directed explosion technology project should win an award. It may have been extremely difficult or costly. The project was safely completed on time and on budget. The main criteria against which entries will be judged are: overall professionalism/competence; overcoming a specific problem; control of finances and deadlines; safety performance; and customer satisfaction.

Team Project Award

The main criteria against which entries will be judged are: teamwork between several contracting organisations; overall professionalism/competence; overcoming a specific problem; control of finances and deadlines; safety performance; and customer satisfaction.

Project of the Year over RUB 100 million

This category is for high profile demolition projects with a contract value of more than RUB 100 million, the successful implementation of which presented challenges or required an innovative approach to demolition. Applications must demonstrate these challenges and how they were successfully overcome, on time, on budget and safely. Applications should include statements of demolition methods, on-site waste management plan and any other relevant information about the project that will enable the judges to award a nomination. Client feedback on the work carried out should also be provided if possible.

Project of the Year less than RUB 100 million

This category is for high profile demolition projects with a contract value of less than RUB 100 million, whose successful implementation was challenging or required an innovative approach to demolition. Applications should demonstrate these challenges and how they were successfully overcome, on time, on budget and safely. Applications should include statements of demolition methods, on-site waste management plan and any other relevant information about the project that will enable the judges to award a nomination. Client feedback on the work carried out should also be provided if possible.

For industrial companies

ESG Award - decommissioning and disposal

Tell the judges why your decommissioning and disposal project should win an award. The winner of this category must demonstrate a high level of project management, risk assessment, responsible approach to qualification criteria for contractor selection, survey control, design and manufacture of works, and future vision for the industrial site. Judges will take into account the completeness of engineering surveys, design documentation, terms of reference, formation of qualification criteria for selection of contractors, distribution of roles and responsibilities of project team members, project phases as a whole, as well as accident data.

ESG Award - Environmental Protection

Tell the judges why your environmental protection project for the removal of buildings and structures, clean-up of contamination, disposal of demolition waste, remediation of disturbed areas should win an award. The winner of this category must demonstrate a high level of project management, risk assessment, a responsible approach to reducing the negative impact of waste on the environment and the safety of the personnel involved, qualification criteria for the selection of contractors, control of surveying, design and production of works, future vision for the site, and the principles of the circular economy. Judges will take into account the completeness of engineering surveys, design documentation, technical specifications, the formation of qualification criteria for the selection of contractors, the distribution of roles and responsibilities of the project team members, and the stages of the project as a whole.

For manufacturers and suppliers of machinery and equipment

Innovative Construction and Demolition Equipment Awards

Submissions should objectively demonstrate what is special or unique about the product and include information about the development of the product, the requirements it had to meet, product specifications. Please do not include advertising brochures or other promotional materials as part of the submission.

Innovation Award. Dismantling and recycling attachments

Submissions should objectively demonstrate what is special or unique about the product and include information about the development of the product, the requirements it had to meet, product specifications. Please do not include advertising brochures or other promotional materials as part of the submission.

For manufacturers of building materials

ESG Award - Closed Cycle Economy

Submissions should objectively demonstrate successful experiences in the use of recycled materials from construction and demolition waste in the production of building materials and products. Please do not include advertising brochures or other promotional materials as part of the submission.

Available to all RDF 2024 participants

Best RDF 2024 Project Award

An international jury will select one best project from all shortlisted applications.


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