Less than a month before the main demolition and recycling industry event in Russia

The history of organizing and holding the International Demolition Forum of Russia – Russian Demolition Forum (RDF) began in 2020.
Those who participated in previous Forums remember that 90% of the speakers have always been the heads of large foreign demolition and waste management contractors from around the world.
This year the situation has changed and the speakers will be representatives of Russian professional demolition and waste management contractors, construction and demolition waste processors, relevant government agencies and national associations, and large industrial enterprises.
Interest in the event among the Russian target audiences of the industry of demolition of buildings and structures, waste disposal is much higher today. This is a new stage in the development of the industry.
Do you want to know the names and companies of the speakers of the Russian Demolition Forum 2022?
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Регистрация на участие в 3-ем Международном Демонтажном Форуме России 2022 доступна до 15 сентября 2022 года.
To participate, please apply for info@rusdemolition.ru.
Please read the terms and conditions on the site beforehand rusdemolition.ru.