DIAMONDTECH CONSTRUCTION has successfully completed a challenging diamond drilling project with the Cuttronix drilling system.

Two of the most time-consuming diamond drilling tasks are holes in the bored piles of the Kurskaya station of the Moscow Railroad and foundation drilling in Moscow City. Both here and there for geology, to strengthen the soil, holes were drilled with a diameter of 200-225mm. depth of 1-1.2 meters, everywhere at an angle.
The work is phased. But each stage of work must be completed in a short time,
so as not to keep a geology contractor. Moreover, the scope of tasks and due dates were not determined in advance. The work was carried out according to the request, which was usually received today, and tomorrow we were already at the facility.
Such tasks are an example of our approach to business. Stakes solely on the efficiency of the process, not on the number of personnel and equipment. So to say, “catching up with people” does not work here, the wrong object is just economically unprofitable, as it adds a lot of additional problems that need to be solved in a short time for each additional team of operators. You need powerful and efficient equipment – you need maximum output per shift from one machine!
It is also important to take into account the mobility of the equipment. The distances that you need to walk with your feet, moving everything you need, are enormous. In a day, people wind kilometers by moving iron around a construction site.
The principle of DIAMONDTECH CONSTRUCTION is to create the most comfortable and safe working conditions, as far as possible for the diamond industry. Therefore, when looking for power, we consider exclusively electrical systems, not burdened with heavy oil stations and hydraulic hose sets.
The solution came from Estonia. Powerful, 15 kW, high frequency, Cuttronix electrical system perfectly meets our requirements. A weight comparable to the most common three-phase systems from HILTI and Weka and the power of the hydraulic system, the bed with the possibility of tilting to both sides of the perpendicular and incredible revs allowing the soft segment to work without loss in resource – all this is Cuttronix!
Drilling holes 225mm. in heavily reinforced concrete 1 meter deep, it took 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the reinforcement, and the average mileage of the Austrian manufacturer’s segment was 12 meters. In our opinion, these are very good results!
Over the entire period of work, more than 500 such holes have been drilled. And only on rare days at the facility could one meet 2 installations and a third specialist from DIAMONDTECH CONSTRUCTION.
A minimum of personnel, a maximum of powerful and technological equipment!